Genus Novactaea

Guinot, 1976

Dorsal surface of the carapace, the chelipeds and ambulatory legs furnished with granules well separated one from the other. Regions of the carapace marked, more or less projecting, separated by shallow and broad furrows, furnished with large rounded granules, not very compacted and encircled with short, rigid, brown setae. Antero-lateral margin divided into four feeble teeth or lobes, each with a conical granule at its top. Postero-lateral margin strongly converging posteriorly. Third maxilliped completely operculiform. Ambulatory legs not compressed and with the same granules than on the carapace, becoming conical and pointed on the superior margin. Thoracic sternum wide, without the sternal suture 3/4 marked by a medial granular line; sternite 4 with a longitudinal furrow which is concealed by the telson; median groove present on sternites 5, 7 and 8. First male pleopod ornamented with long plumose subdistal setae. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Novactaea bella Guinot, 1976.

Species treated:
Novactaea pulchella (A. Milne Edwards, 1865)