Genus Miersiella

Guinot, 1967

Carapace wider than long, hexagonal in outline, flat, divided into regions by linear and smooth furrows, noticeably on the gastric areas, but not on the sides. Antero-lateral margin with only three teeth: exorbital angle unarmed; second tooth absent, the only present ones being the third, fourth and fifth, the fifth being marked, smaller or even absent. Frontal region large, not salient, divided in two lobes by a small median notch. Basal article of the antenna just touched with ventral prolongation of front. Third maxillipeds wide. Male chelipeds subequal, with the propodus small; fingers long and pointed. Ambulatory legs slender. Male abdomen very short. Male Pl 1 heavy. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Medaeus haswelli Miers, 1886.

Species treated:
Miersiella cavifrons Takeda, 1989
Miersiella haswelli (Miers, 1886)