Genus Micippa

Leach, 1817

Carapace a little broadened posteriorly or with margins almost parallel. Dorsal surface armed with acuminated spines or unarmed. Antero-lateral margins sometimes armed with spines or with knobbed spinules. Rostrum broad, very strongly deflexed, either divided into two lobes by median sinus, or very broad and divided into four lobes; accessory spines present or absent. Orbits imperfect, their roof formed by supraocular eave, antorbital and intercalated spines, and postocular tooth, but their floor opened, with a wide gap between postocular tooth and basal antennal article. Intercalated spine present. Basal antennal article sometimes flattish, granulated or smooth. Chelipeds smooth. Ambulatory legs rather thick, unarmed; merus cylindrical, sometimes foliaceous. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Cancer cristatus Linnaeus, 1758, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Micippa cristata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Micippa margaritifera Henderson, 1893
Micippa parca Alcock, 1895
Micippa philyra (Herbst, 1803)
Micippa platipes Rüppell, 1830
Micippa thalia (Herbst, 1803)