Genus Cyclocoeloma

Miers, 1880

Carapace suboblong, somewhat elongated, rounded posteriorly, slightly constricted behind the orbits. Dorsal surface with the hepatic region obtusely produced, otherwise unarmed, and thickly covered with tubercles and curled hairs. Rostral spines very short, rounded at the tips, and in contact with each other, except for the terminal fissure. Orbit tubular. Supraocular eave extremely dilated laterally, forming a very thick prolongation, ventrally hollowed, where the long eyestalk is inserted. Intercalated spine and subocular lobe absent. Basal antennal article very greatly enlarged and also elongated. Chelipeds small and slender; palm not dilated, smooth; fingers excavated on their inner margins but with acute tips. Ambulatory legs thick, unarmed. Abdomen with all segments distinct. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Cyclocoeloma tuberculata Miers, 1880, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Cyclocoeloma tuberculata Miers, 1880