Genus Pseudomicippe

Heller, 1861

Carapace pyriform, variously tuberculate, with a few small spines. Rostrum of two spines of moderate length, sometimes fused for up to basal third, sometimes deflexed. Orbit above comprising an eave expanded anteriorly and a postorbital spine separated by a narrow hiatus. Basal antennal article quadrate, not especially broad, with a prominent antero-lateral spine or lobe; orbit open below. Eyestalks slender, long, extending beyond margin of carapace. Third maxilliped with merus as wide as ischium and expanded antero-laterally. Cheliped and ambulatory legs of moderate length. Abdomen of seven segments in both sexes. (Griffin & Tranter, 1986)

Type species: Pseudomicippe nodosa Heller, 1861, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Pseudomicippe nipponica (Sakai, 1938)
Pseudomicippe okamotoi (Sakai, 1938)