Genus Choniognathus

Rathbun, 1932

Carapace pyriform to subovate, constricted behind hepatic regions; surface with many small tubercles. Rostrum of two spines separated by a wide U-shaped hiatus. Supraorbital margin without a preorbital spine, comprised of eave, intercalated spine and postorbital lobe. Basal antennal article broad basally, narrow distally, antenna not excluded from orbit. Lower margin of orbit with prominent suborbital lobe. Third maxilliped smooth or with tubercles, antero-lateral angle of merus moderately or strongly produced, merus and ischium fused or separate. Cheliped as long or much longer than ambulatory legs, smooth or spinous; fingers short, bent on an angle towards fixed finger. Ambulatory legs short. Abdomen of seven free segments in both sexes; abdomen of adult female covering sternum. (Rathbun, modified: Griffin & Tranter, 1986)

Type species: Eurynome reini Balss, 1924, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Choniognathus reini (Balss, 1924)