Genus Tylocarcinus

Miers, 1879

Carapace pyriform. Dorsal surface covered with flat or distant tubercles. Rostral spines coalesced at proximal half or two-thirds, or sometimes only with tips widely divergent and acuminate, and widely separated from each other by a median V-shaped sinus; sometimes rostral spines separated from the base by a U-shaped sinus. Preocular spine distinct. No intercalated spine between supraocular eave and postocular cup. Chelipeds symmetrical. Ambulatory legs relatively short and stout, variously armed with spines on merus and carpus, sometimes also on propodus. G1 straight, with a large triangular apical lobe or more or less distinctly divided into lobes. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Cancer styx Herbst, 1803, by original designation.

Species treated:
Tylocarcinus sinensis Dai, Yang, Feng & Song, 1978
Tylocarcinus styx (Herbst, 1803)