Genus Phalangipus

Latreille, 1825

Carapace pyriform in outline, more or less broadened posteriorly. Dorsal surface covered with well-defined spines or spinules, the intestinal spine very prominent or not prominent. Rostral spines short, fused for about the basal half, unarmed or with an accessory tubercle. An intercalated spine between supraocular eave and postocular cup. Chelipeds: carpus very short; propodus cylindrical and slender or very thick and markedly swollen. Chelipeds with the propodus either inflated or long and slender. Ambulatory legs extraordinarily long and thin, cylindrical, P1 the longest. G1 simple, tapering to a narrow apex. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Cancer longipes Linnaeus, 1758, by later designation of Griffin, 1973.

Species treated:
Phalangipus filiformis Rathbun, 1916
Phalangipus hystrix (Miers, 1886)
Phalangipus longipes (Linnaeus, 1758)