Phalangipus longipes

(Linnaeus, 1758)

Branchial region with tubercles dorsally but without any spines except the three marginal ones; protogastric region usually with a pair of tubercles or spines near first mesogastric spine; suborbital lobe usually small and slender, separated from basal antennal article by broad U; rostral spines not especially short, distance between tips equal to depth of hiatus; suborbital lobe a very blunt tubercle; sternum of males pubescent in adults, major lobe of first sternite antero-posteriorly flattened, rounded apically; cheliped of male smooth except for terminal spine on merus; ischium of third maxilliped generally without lobe at base of lateral ridge; male first pleopod long, distally outwardly curved. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: North Andaman Sea, 15°04'N, 95°15'E, "Anton Bruun" stn 41A, 29-33 m.
Range: Sri Lanka; Bay of Bengal (Griffin, 1973a, 1974); Andaman Sea (Griffin, 1973a, 1974); west Malay Peninsula (Griffin, 1973a); Strait of Malacca (Griffin, 1974); China - Guangdong (Dai & Yang, 1991); Hong Kong (Stimpson, 1907, Shen, 1931, Griffin, 1973a); Taiwan - Hsiak'unhsen and Tingch'ieting (Lin, 1949), Takao (Griffin, 1973a); Singapore (Griffin, 1973a); Cambodia (Griffin, 1973a); Gulf of Thailand (Griffin, 1973a); Philippines - Bohol and Buton Strait (Griffin, 1973a); Sulu Archipelago - Basilan Island and Jolo (Griffin, 1973a, 1976), Jolo (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); Celebes Sea (Miers, 1886, Griffin, 1973a); Indonesia - south of New Guinea (Miers, 1886), Jakarta, Java Sea, Sunda Strait, Kai Islands, Ambon, Arafura Sea, and New Guinea (Griffin, 1973a), Buton Strait (Griffin, 1976), Kepulauan Aru (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); Papua New Guinea (Griffin, 1973a); northern Australia - Broome, Adele Island, and New Year Island (Griffin, 1973a); 49-58 m.