Genus Huenia

de Haan, 1839

Crabs mimic the algae amongst which they live. Sexual dimorphism marked: carapace of males subtriangular, that of females with laminar expansion each on hepatic and branchial border. Branchial regions with rounded elevations or flat. Rostrum process long and laterally compressed, distally very narrow or evenly tapering, or distally blunt or rounded. Eyestalks very short and deeply sunken against the lateral border of supraorbital eave. Preorbital angle either narrow, with a cylindrical spine, or laterally or dorso-ventrally flattened. Postorbital spine indistinct. Male abdomen with all segments distinct. Female abdomen with five segments. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Maja (Huenia) proteus de Haan, 1839 (= Huenia heraldica de Haan, 1837), by monotypy.

Species treated:
Huenia brevifrons Ward, 1941
Huenia heraldica de Haan, 1837