Genus Umalia

Guinot, 1993

Carapace broadened anteriorly, regularly convex from side to side, no median dorsal carina, surface regularly granulated or crossed by granular lines; fronto-orbital border less than half the greatest width of carapace; five or seven fronto-orbital spines; antero-lateral borders with one spine. Eye peduncle folding obliquely backward and downward. Dorsal border of cheliped palm without spines. Fifth pereiopod, compared to the preceeding ones, slightly reduced in size. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Notopus misakiensis Sakai, 1937.

Species treated:
Umalia horikoshii (Takeda, 1975)
Umalia misakiensis (Sakai, 1937)
Umalia orientalis (Sakai, 1963)
Umalia ovalis (Henderson, 1888)