Macrophthalmus brevis

(Herbst, 1804)

Central region of epistome with a protuberance; inner surface of palm of chela with one or more spines near articulation with carpus; merus of cheliped with granules and/or tubercles on its margins; external orbital angle large and more or less equi-projecting with second antero-lateral tooth. (Davie 1997)

Type locality: East Indies.
Range: Mauritius (H. Milne Edwards, 1852); India - East India (Herbst, 1804), Pondicherry (H. Milne Edwards, 1852); Mergui Archipelago (Kemp, 1919); Thailand - Phuket (Komai et al., 1995); Singapore (Barnes, 1970); Malacca (Barnes, 1970); Japan - Nakagusuku Bay, Okinawa-jima (Kitaura & Wada, 1999); China - Hainan Island (Shen, 1936, 1940b, Dai & Yang, 1991); Indonesia - Celebes (de Man, 1880, Tesch, 1915), Halmahera (de Man, 1902a, Tesch, 1915).