Ilyoplax dentimerosus

Shen, 1932

Carpus of male cheliped unarmed; abdomen of male not obviously constricted at the 5th segment. Carapace quadrilateral; orbits almost or quite transverse, short and thick. Meri of pereiopods 2-5 naked; those of pereiopods 2-4 with anterior border finely granular and posterior border serrulate. Lateral border of carapace without notch behind exorbital angle. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: Yangchun, Shandong Peninsula, China.
Range: China - south of Shandong Peninsula (Shen, 1932); Korea - Masan, Geoje Island, Gu-muncheon Ri, Yeong-jong Island, and Sindo Island (Kamita, 1941), Ganghwa Island, Bi-geum Island and Mogpo (Kim, 1973).