Xanthasia murigera

White, 1846

Carapace about hexagonal, with lateral margins upturned; gastric region with 2 longitudinal and sharp carinae; cardiac region with a prominent, mushroom-shaped tubercle. Front produced, bluntly rounded, dorsal surface covered with fine corrugations and marked with a short longitudinal grooves in the middle. Ischium-merus of the third maxillipeds with the inner-distal angle smooth and obtuse; palp with 2 segments, dactylus aborted. Antero-lateral margin of the carapace with its anterior portion dorsally curved toward the hepatic region. Postero-lateral margin short and posterior margin broad.
Chelipeds not stouter than the ambulatory legs. Fingers shorter than the palm, with fine serrations on the inner margins and a big tooth near the base. Ambulatory legs slightly stouter, dactyli with hooked and claw-shaped tips.
Female abdomen large, rounded and inflated. Male abdomen broadly band-like; telson roundly square. Carapace length of the female 10.8-14.8 mm, breadth 13.6-17.2 mm; of the male, length 8.4-9.7 mm, breadth 9.3-12.5 mm. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Philippines.
Range: Mozambique (Miers, 1884b); Andaman Islands (Alcock, 1900b); Mergui Archipelago (de Man, 1887, Alcock, 1900b); Japan - Misaki, Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1976a); China - Paracel Islands (Chen, 1975, Dai & Yang, 1991); Philippines - (White, 1846b, H. Milne Edwards, 1853), Bohol and Burias (Bürger, 1895), Luzon (Blanco & Ablan, 1939); Palau (Takeda & Shimazaki, 1974, Sakai, 1976a); Borneo (Nobili, 1903); N.W. New Guinea - Batanta Island (Nobili, 1899); Australia - Cape Grenville, N.E. Australia (Haswell, 1882c), Queensland; New Caledonia (A. Milne Edwards, 1873); Marshall Islands (Holthuis, 1953); Fiji (Dana, 1852, Adensamer, 1897).