Pinnotheres laquei

Sakai, 1961

A small species, even in the largest female the carapace is less than 4 mm long. The dorsal surface of the carapace is markedly convex and the lateral borders are posteriorly divergent, so that the greatest breadth is on a level with the bases of the second ambulatory legs. The front is not markedly produced beyond the outline of the carapace. The posterior border is rounded, slightly produced posteriorly.
The external maxilliped has the dactylus projecting only slightly beyond the tip of the propodus, its tip is sub-styliform.
The chelipeds are short and somewhat massive, with a narrow hiatus at the base of both fingers. The movable finger bears an obtuse median tooth; the distal half of the cutting edge of the immovable finger forms two sharp cutting edges. The anterior three pairs of ambulatory legs are subequal, the last pair, however, is not much smaller than the preceeding pairs. In the second and third pairs, the carpus is traversed by an oblique row of long feathered hairs, the propodus is also provided with a row of such hairs along the anterior border. The dactyli of all four pairs appear to be uniformly long; but exactly measured, that of the posterior two pairs is a little longer than that of the anterior two pairs. The tip of the dactylus is very sharp and slightly hooked inward. (Sakai, 1961)

Type locality: Amadaiba, off Hayama, Sagami Bay, Japan, 65-85 m.
Range: Japan - Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1961, 1965), Kii Peninsula (Sakai, 1976a), Otsuchi Bay, Iwate Prefecture (Takeda & Konishi, 1991), Tosa Bay (Muraoka, 1998); 50-85 m.