Ceratoplax truncatifrons

Rathbun, 1914

Carapace strongly convex longitudinally and flattened transversely so as to be sub-cylindrical; regions ill-defined, with faint traces of gastro-cardiac, gastro-hepatic and branchio-hepatic sulci. Front deflexed, truncated. Eyestalk pyriform, thick in the middle, with a small pigmented cornea at distal ventral side. Antero-lateral border entire, 1.5 times as long as the postero-lateral, divergent; postero-lateral border only weakly convergent, provided with a fur on its narrow lateral wall. Chelipeds unequal; merus short, unarmed; carpus broader than long, sharply angulated at its inner angle; palm compressed and carinate for its upper margin; fingers also compressed, crenulate at inner margins. Ambulatory legs slender and hairy; dactylus of last leg distinctly curved backward and upward. (Takeda, 1989)

Type locality: Badian Island, off western Samar, Philippines, 32 fathoms.
Range: Japan - Oshima Passage, Amami-Oshima (Takeda, 1989); Philippines - Badian Island, off western Samar (Rathbun, 1914d); Indonesia - Sulabesi (Tesch, 1918b); 22-58 m.