Intesius pilosus

Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981

Medium size. Carapace hexagonal in outline, with a long postero-lateral margin. Surface of the carapace covered dorsally and ventrally with a dense coat of rather long soft setae. A similar tomentum on ambulatory legs and on the smaller cheliped, setae being rare on the propodus of larger cheliped, that is practically glabrous. Dorsal surface of the carapace rather weakly areolated, only with 3M completely defined, and slightly granular on elevated portions, otherwise smooth. Antero-lateral border armed with five principal teeth, all spinulous, separated by subsidiary spines: the first at the exorbital angle, the last reduced but sharp. Front narrow, subtruncate, and with a median sinus. Chelipeds unequal; larger cheliped massive, with a smooth, glabrous, and stout chela; fingers relatively short, with the black colouring not extending onto propodus; smaller cheliped narrow, with a long, granular and setiferous chela. Ambulatory legs rather long, flattened, unarmed and smooth, setiferous. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Lifou, Loyalty Islands, 400 m.
Range: Japan - Wagu, Ise Bay (Sakai, 1983); Australia - south-east Queensland (Davie & Short, 1989), off Tully Heads (Davie, 1998); Loyalty Islands (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981); 183-400 m.