Platypilumnus soelae

Garth, 1987

Carapace depressed, very flat, areas distinctly defined, surface finely granulose. Antero-lateral margin bearing numerous spiniform teeth, flanked by spinules; postero-lateral margin spinulose anteriorly, tuberculate posteriorly. Front lamellate, advanced, bimarginate, free margin spinulate, spinule at external angle not larger than others; lower frontal margin with three spinules on either side of a broad U-notch. Supraorbital margin with three or four spinules on either side of fissure. Subhepatic and pterygostomian regions swollen. Male larger chela grossly enlarged, inner surface smooth, bulging at center, outer surface smooth and bare except for a few scattered sharp granules proximally; palm high, lower border obtusely angled, fixed finger with lower margin straight, tip sharply upturned, recurving; dactyl long, slender, straight, tip downturned, tips crossing, their brownish colour extending inward along margins of gape; a low tooth at mid-point on pollex, dactyl weakly denticulate. Minor chela much smaller, spinulate, fingers long, thin, not crossing at extremity. P2-5 long and slender, bearing spines on superior and inferior margins of merus and on superior margin of carpus and propodus. Male abdomen composed of seven distinct segments. No portion of sternite 8 visible at level of coxa of P5. Male Pl 1 nearly straight, apex scarcely narrowed, opening distally. Male Pl 2 longer than Pl 1, flagellum elongate, recurved at extremity. (Garth, 1987: 35)

Type locality: North West Shelf, Australia.
Range: Taiwan - Nanfangau and Ta-shi, I-Lan County (Ng & Chan, 1997); Indonesia (Richer de Forges, 1996); Australia - North West Shelf (Garth, 1987).