Menippe rumphii

(Fabricius, 1798)

Gastric region distinct and fairly distinctly subdivided into three lobes; between it and the front are four pimple-like tubercles standing in a square. Two low indistinct somewhat granular elevations, nearly parallel with the curve of the antero-lateral border, traverse either branchial region; the first, which is the more distinct, can generally be traced across the gastric region also. The surface of the carapace is finely pitted anterior-laterally, but elsewhere is smooth. The front, which is not quite a fifth the greatest breadth of the carapace, consists of two prominent round-pointed lobes, outside of each of which is a prominent rounded tooth separated from the supraorbital margin by a groove.
The antero-lateral border is fairly sharp and is divided into four broad lobes, of which the last two are distinctly, the first two indistinctly acuminate. P1 massive, a little unequal, smooth with some fine and distant pitting: inner angle of carpus bluntly prominent; fingers stout, rather short.
P2-5 stout, smooth, except the upper border which is sometimes microscopically granular: upper border of carpus sparsely, both borders of propodi and dactyli more thickly, setose.
Colours in spirit reddish or brownish yellow with sometimes a fine network of darker markings; fingers black. (Alcock, 1898: 178)

Type locality: East Indies.
Range: Red Sea; Mozambique - Delagoa Bay (Barnard, 1950); Persian Gulf (Alcock, 1898); Pakistan - Karachi (Alcock, 1898); Laccadive Islands (Alcock, 1898); India - Madras coast (Alcock, 1898); Sri Lanka (Alcock, 1898); Burma - Tavoy (Alcock, 1898), Maungmagan near Tavoy (Chopra & Das, 1937); Mergui Archipelago (Alcock, 1898); Malaysia - Penang (Alcock, 1898); Hainan Island (Shen, 1936, 1940); Taiwan.