Etisus demani

Odhner, 1925

The carapace is transversely suboval and moderately convex from before to backwards; the dorsal surface is very well divided into regions by narrow but rather deep furrows and nearly naked only with a transverse row of several short hairs behind the front; all the regions are distinct and rather convex; the surfaces of the regions are rather smooth, but slightly roughened by short transverse rugosities. The front is composed of two weakly convex lobes separated from each other by a median small incision; each of the lateral angles is rather produced into an obtuse tooth that is deeply separated from the supraorbital angle.
The antero-lateral border of the carapace is cut into four acute teeth, of which the posterior two are more sharper; the first bears an accessory granule on the anterior slope; each of the second and third bears two or three accessory granules on each slope.
The chelipeds are unequal. The outer surface of the carpus is rather rough and punctate, the inner angle of the carpus being armed with two small teeth. The outer surface of the palm is very roughened by the transverse and oblique granular rugosities. Each of the movable finger is abruptly curved, leaving a wide gape between it and the short immovable finger; the colour of the movable finger does not extend onto the palm in both sexes. The ambulatory legs are short and stout, being fringed with spiniform granules and longish hairs. (Takeda, 1972a)

Range: Red Sea (Klunzinger, 1913); Mayotte Islands (Serène, 1984); Madagascar - Tamatave (Guinot, 1964b), Nosy Bé, Sarodrano, Tuléar and Fort-Dauphin (Serène, 1984); Aldabra Islands; ?Amirante Islands (Rathbun, 1911); Mauritius; ?Chagos Archipelago - Salomon (Rathbun, 1911); Christmas Islands; Japan - Amami-Oshima and Ishigaki-jima (Takeda, 1972a); China - Paracel Islands (Dai & Yang, 1991); New Caledonia; Samoa; Hawaii; Tuamotu Archipelago - Hikueru.