Demania cultripes

(Alcock, 1898)

Inner angle of cheliped carpus with sharp tooth or spine, outer surfaces of cheliped palm slightly rugose; dorsal margin of ambulatory merus crested, smooth, without any trace of spines or teeth; 2M and 3M regions of carapace incompletely separated from each other, median regions of carapace relatively smooth, not distinctly rugose; antero-lateral margin cut into three blunt but distinct triangular teeth, carapace broad, frontal margin with very narrow cleft, slightly sinuous. (Davie 1997)

Type locality: Singapore.
Range: ?East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1968c); Taiwan; Singapore (Alcock, 1898, Balss, 1938b, Guinot, 1979b, Garth & Ng, 1985); Philippines - Dumaguete and Siaton, Negros (Garth, 1975); Australia - Swain Reefs, ENE of Palm Island, E of Lucinda, John Brewer Reef, Cape Melville, W Lizard Island, and Arafura Sea (Davie, 1989); New Caledonia (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981a, Serène, 1984).