Charybdis hongkongensis

Shen, 1934

Antennal flagellum excluded from orbital hiatus; incisions between lateral and median frontal teeth narrow; posterior border of cephalothorax straight, forming angular or eared postero-lateral junction; last antero-lateral tooth only slightly larger than preceeding teeth; lateral borders of penultimate segment of male abdomen slightly convex. (Davie 1999)

Carapace about 1.6 times as broad as long, surface covered with a coat of downy fur, regions well defined, besides the usual transverse ridges, metagastric, cardiac and mesobranchial regions marked with obvious granulated elevations. Front divided into 6 teeth: the middle four subequal, but the two central ones more prominent; the outermost one smaller, separated from the inner one by a V-shaped notch. Antero-lateral margin cut into 6 teeth; the first two obtuse and set closer to each other; the last one longer than the others. Antennal basal segment with granulated ridge. Merus of third maxillipeds with outer-distal angle strikingly produced sideways.
Chelipeds asymmetrical, about twice as long as the length of the carapace. Merus with three curved spines, tip directed laterally and with a spine at the end of the posterior margin. Carpus with the usual spines. Palm marked with 3 granulated ridges on the outer surface, of which the lowest one extends to the tip of the immovable finger, dorsal surface with 3 spines, the base of the teeth with depressed granules. Fingers relatively long, armed with strong teeth, alternately large and small. Natatory leg with merus longer than broad, bearing one long spine at postero-distal angle; propodus with spines on the posterior margin.
First pleopod of the male style-shaped; basal lobe large, middle part straight, the distal portion inflated and spoon-shaped; outer side of the distal part bearing numerous hairs, hairs of the inner side scattered. Male abdomen triangular; third to fifth segments fused; the second to fourth with ridges on surface; the sixth segment about as long as the basal margin, its lateral margin convex; telson acutely triangular. Carapace length of the male 27.4 mm, breadth 41.2 mm; of the female, length 24.7 mm, breadth 36.3 mm. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Hong Kong.
Range: Madagascar (Muraoka, 1998); West Malay Peninsula - Thailand (Stephenson, 1972a); China - Hong Kong (Shen, 1934), Guangxi and Guangdong (Dai & Yang, 1991); Taiwan - Kaohsiung and I-lan Provinces (Huang & Yu, 1997); Malay Peninsula; Philippines - Verde Island Passage (Moosa, 1981); Indonesia - Kepulauan Kai and near Diamantpunt (Leene, 1938), Sunda Strait and Madura Strait (Stephenson, 1972a), Sumatra; 30-400 m.