Libystes villosus

Rathbun, 1924

Carapace clearly broader than long, strongly convex longitudinally, surface smooth, a ridge of fine granules extending forward from postero-lateral angle; front very shallowly bilobate, median indentation hardly visible; antero-lateral borders entire, without traces of teeth or lobes. Chelipeds clearly heterochelous, smooth; anterior border of merus minutely granulate; carpus unarmed at all; palm much stouter than merus; fingers a little shorter than palm, widely gaping at the base in larger chela, straighter and closing more completely in smaller one. Borders of ambulatory legs fringed with shaggy hair; fifth pereiopods gressorial. (Türkay 1995)

Type locality: Apia, Western Samoa.
Range: Japan - Kume-jima, Okinawa-shoto (Miyake & Takeda, 1970), Ogasawara-shoto (Takeda, 1977a); South China Sea - Paracel Island (Chen, 1975); Hawaiian Islands - off Honolulu, Oahu, and Wake Island (Edmondson, 1951); Samoa (Rathbun, 1924b).