Kraussia rugulosa

(Krauss, 1843)

The carapace of this species is subcircular and the dorsal surface thickly covered with short transverse rugae. The front is bilobate, each lobe is finely dentate and only very faintly bilobate; they do not much project forward beyond the preorbital teeth, which are deeply separated from the former. Antero-lateral borders are finely spinulated, four or five spines being of good size and projecting almost anteriorly. The upper border of arm and distal surface of wrist are sharply spinulated, the palm is covered with rather smooth transverse rugae, and the fingers are very deeply hollowed at tip and are hoof-shaped. (T. Sakai, 1939: 431)

Type locality: Natal, South Africa.
Range: South Africa - Durban (Krauss, 1843), Durban, Scottburgh, and mouth of Umgazana River (Barnard, 1950); Laccadive Islands; Mergui Archipelago; Cocos Islands; Christmas Island; Japan - Kagoshima Bay and Okinawa (Sakai, 1939), Kagoshima Bay, Tanegashima and Ishigaki-jima (Sakai, 1976a); Taiwan - Tainan (Sakai, 1939, Lin, 1949); China - Paracel Islands (Dai & Yang, 1991); Philippines; Palau (Takeda & Shimazaki, 1974); Indonesia - Noordwachter Island (de Man, 1888d), Timor; Marshall Islands; Kiribati; Tuvalu; Samoa; Hawaiian Islands - Sandwich Island (Dana, 1852).