Parthenope contrarius

(Herbst, 1804)

Carapace, with rostrum, slightly longer than broad, everywhere covered with jagged granules and spines: the regions are strongly convex, and usually, in the middle line, are three or four, and again on either branchial region, one or two spines of predominant size. The rostrum is broad, prominent, declivous, and spiny or granular, both on the upper surface and along the margins. The hepatic regions are very prominent, and their angle is strongly produced. The orbital edge is prominent and the postorbital constriction strongly pronounced. P1 about three times the length of the carapace and rostrum, and are extremely massive, the hands especially: above they are covered with large sharp jagged spines with rough tubercles interspersed; below they are everywhere covered with rasp-like granules, P2-5 rather stout for a Lambrus, and have the merus somewhat spiny along one or both edges. Colours in spirits, mottled pink, tips of fingers purple-black, P2-5 banded alternately yellow and bluish pink. (Alcock, 1895a: 266)

Type locality: unknown.
Range: Mauritius (Michel, 1964); India; Sri Lanka - off Colombo (Alcock, 1895a); Japan - Shimoda (Sakai, 1935), Misaki, Shimoda, Nanki Shirahama and Amakusa (Sakai, 1938a), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1965b), from Sagami Bay southwards to Kyushu (Sakai, 1976a); Philippines - Zamboanga (Miers, 1886); Australia - Double Island Point, Queensland (Rathbun, 1918b); Hawaiian Islands - Molokai, Pailolo Channel, Kauai, and Modu Manu (Rathbun, 1906); Marquesas - Eiao (Poupin, 1996a).