Huenia brevifrons

Ward, 1941

Carapace as long as broad, petal-like, depressed, only protogastric and mesogastric regions and cardiac region weakly convex. Antero-lateral margin with two lobes of which the hepatic one markedly larger than the branchial lobe. Postero-lateral margin concave. Posterior margin arched, petal-like in shape. All lobes upcurved. Front short, broadly triangular, rounded distally, both lateral margins with hooked hairs. Preocular teeth projecting forward.
Cheliped small, folded under the carapace. Merus trigonal, dorsal border concave in the middle, ventral anterior border with 2 rounded nodules, broadened distally. Palm longer than broad, dorsal border with 3 waved tubercles. Fingers shorter than the palm, each inner border with 6-7 small teeth. Ambulatory legs compressed laterally, borders cristate. Proportion of length and breadth of merus gradually decreasing from first to fourth pairs. Anterior surface of the carpus in first 2 pairs flat. Propodus of each ambulatory leg haired on the posterior border. Dactylus hooked, posterior border with small teeth.
Abdomen of berried female with third to sixth segments fused, hollowed along the middle line, convex laterally; telson plane, distal border arched. Carapace length of the female 14.3 mm, breadth 14.6 m. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Gulf of Davao, Philippines.
Range: Laccadive Islands (Borradaile, 1903c, Sankarankutty, 1961); Maldives (Borradaile, 1903c, Sankarankutty, 1961); Japan - Ishigaki-jima (Sakai, 1976a), Kuroshima, Yaeyama-retto (Takeda et al., 1976a); China - Paracel Islands (Chen, 1980, Dai & Yang, 1991); Philippines - Gulf of Davao (Ward, 1941); Indonesia - north of Damar Island, South Maluku (Griffin & Tranter, 1986a); shallow waters.