Leucosia perlata

de Haan, 1841

Front tridentate, hepatic margin very sinuous. Postero-lateral margin beaded almost to level of second pair of ambulatory legs. A very strong backward directed spine on sixth segment of male abdomen. Colour of spirit material: dark grey on anterior two thirds of carapace, paler behind with a dark spot on either side of cardiac region. Fingers of chelipeds white. Male abdominal formula 1 + 2 + R + 6 + T, second segment very small. Female abdominal formula 1 + 2 + R + T.
Description of male pleopod: Long, slightly S-shaped and coiled seven times. Distal aperture on terminal spine surrounded by a dark hairy membrane. Proximal aperture wide, merging into folds of the first coil. A few very tiny soft hairs along coils and longer more prominent vibrissae along edges of proximal aperture. Basal angle rounded, projected and spooned, with sparse hairs. (Tyndale-Biscoe & George, 1962)

Type locality: Molucca.
Range: Persian Gulf (Alcock, 1896, Stephensen, 1945); Strait of Hormuz (Stephensen, 1945); India (Ortmann, 1892); Andaman Islands (Alcock, 1896); Japan - Oshima Passage, Amami-Oshima (Takeda, 1989); Hong Kong; Philippines; Palau (Takeda, 1973d, Takeda & Hayashi, 1973); Indonesia - Molucca (de Haan, 1841), Banda Neira, Sangir Island and Ceram (de Man, 1881), Gaspar Strait (Stimpson, 1907), Ambon (Ihle, 1918); Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby (Haswell, 1879b); Australia - Cockburn Sound, Yampi Sound, Broome, and Port Hedland (Tyndale-Biscoe & George, 1962), Thursday Island.