Philyra carinata

Bell, 1855

Carapace about as long as broad, convex; with patches of granules on the gastric, cardiac, and branchial regions, with granulated carinae on median line of the gastric and cardiac region. Front truncate. Pterygostomial region produced, angle-shaped. Antero-lateral margin concave at hepatic region. Postero-lateral margin arched. Posterior margin nearly straight, sparsely granulated marginally. Third maxillipeds granulated on the outer margin of the ischium and the merus; with another longitudinal line of coarse granules along the outer margin of the merus; exopodite with a longitudinal median line. Merus of chelipeds thickly covered with granules on upper outer surface and basal half of the ventral surface. Carpus with granules on upper inner border. Palm finely granulated on its inner border, with 2 rows of granules on the dorsal surface. Finger with fine denticulations on the inner border. Ambulatory legs smooth; dactylus longer than propodus.
First pleopod of the male with a chitinous triangular, hollowed process at end. Abdomen narrowly triangular; second to fifth segments fused. Abdomen of the female rounded and large. Third to sixth segments fused. Telson elongate-rounded. Carapace length of the male 14.2 mm, breadth 14 mm.
Habitat: muddy shore with rocks in low tide zones. (Dai & Yang, 1991)

Type locality: Borneo.
Range: Korea; ? Japan - Yokohama; China - North China (Shen, 1937), Xiamen, Tsimei, and Liuwutien, Fujian Province (Shen, 1940b), Guangdong, Fujian, Shandong Peninsula, Liadong Bay (Dai & Yang, 1991); Borneo (Bell, 1855).