Nursia alata

Komatsu & Takeda, 1999

Description of holotype: Carapace dilated bulb-shaped, about 1.5 times broader than long; maximum breadth of carapace at junction of antero- and postero-lateral margins; dorsal surface densely covered with minute and flat granules, provided with three ridges radiating from median part to posterior and postero-lateral margins, viz., two curved oblique ridges extending from cardiac region to each postero-lateral margin and a longitudinal cardio-intestinal ridge; rim of carapace finely granulated. Front strongly developed, divided into two truncated lobes with a median shallow notch, one fourth as wide as carapace, slightly narrower than posterior margin. Pterygostomial margin developed, forming contour of carapace, elevated at the middle, with weak notch at posterior end. Gastric region weakly demarcated, with shallow longitudinal median groove. Cardiac region armed with two longitudinal small prominences. Epibranchial region foliaceous, sloped toward margin, but somewhat upturned; metabranchial region deeply concave. Intestinal region prominent, fallen triangular pyramid-shaped, beyond posterior margin. Antero-lateral margin of carapace weakly angulated at its posterior third. Postero-lateral margin gently converged for anterior third, but abruptly for posterior part. Posterior margin trilobated distinctly; lobe of each side semicircular, well-developed; median one small, situated at lower position, almost concealed under intestinal prominence.
Chelipeds stout, equal in shape and size, hardly covered with minute granules; posterior margin of merus sinuated; wrist short; palm bulgy; fingers slightly shorter than palm, its upper surface seemingly smooth, but covered with microscopical granules, both cutting edges with several teeth, immovable finger rimmed with row of rather minute granules on lower margin; tip of movable finger crossed on immovable one.
Ambulatory legs similar in shape, gradually decreasing in length from 1st to 4th, entirely covered with granules except for dactyli; each merus frilled with sparse hairs on upper margin, as long as combination of carpus and propodus; each carpus slightly shorter than propodus; each propodus as long as dactylus.
Third maxilliped narrow, wholly covered with microscopical granules; granules on merus weakened to distal point; ischium slightly shorter than merus along inner margin, rather convex longitudinally; merus naturally upturned; several larger beaded granules along distal two thirds of outer margin of exopod, with short hairs.
Abdomen elongate triangular, entirely covered with minute granules; abdominal formula 1 + 2 + R + T; proximal two segments linear, indistinctly separated; main fused segment long, gently convex outward at each side of basal third, with a small triangular prominence just near distal margin; terminal segment triangular.
First pleopod not well calcareous, almost translucent; proximal three fifths broadened outward, with plumose setae on outer margin; distal part narrow, with simple setae, sharply pointed at tip. Second pleopod slender, thin, slightly longer than first pleopod, distal two thirds set in first pleopod, but apex never protruded from tip of first pleopod, proximal third exposed, curved ventrally. (Komatsu & Takeda, 1999)

Type locality: Nagura Bay, Ishigaki-jima, Japan.
Range: Japan - Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima (Komatsu & Takeda, 1999).