Orientotlos iishibai

Sakai, 1980

The carapace is rounded triangular in outline, the frontal and intestinal borders are obtusely produced beyond the outline of triangle, both obtusely bilobate and thickly covered with granules.
The dorsal surface of carapace is convex, marked with eight raised bosses: one each on cardiac and intestinal areas, and another one on each side of gastric area, and two, one before and behind, on either side of branchial area. All these raised bosses are circumferenced by flat tubercles and their upper surface depressed and tomentose.
The antero-lateral borders are marked with four lobules, the anterior one of which is on the hepatic margin and the remainder on the branchial margin, the last one being located at the postero-lateral angle. The postero-lateral border is marked with a lobule. These lobules are also circumferenced by tubercles and dorsally depressed.
Orbits are entirely closed and the merus of the external maxillipeds very small and pointed at tip.
Chelipeds are robust, the arm, wrist and palm are short and globular in outline, thickly covered with tubercles. Ambulatory legs are slender, anterior and posterior margins of each segment are tuberculated. (Sakai, 1980)

Type locality: off Kumano-nada, Mie Prefecture, Japan.
Range: Japan - off Kumano-nada (Sakai, 1980).