Merocryptus lambriformis

A. Milne Edwards, 1873

In this crab, the prominences and depressions on the dorsal surface of the carapace, as well as the projections at the lateral angles, are more striking in the male than in the female; the front of the male is also more strikingly produced anteriorly and its median sinus deeper cut than in the female. Compared with the male, therefore, the female crab of this species looks a slightly more globular than the male. (T. Sakai, 1965: 30)

Type locality: Upolu, Western Samoa.
Range: Japan - Tanabe, Suruga Bay, between Omae-zaki and Iro-zaki, Bungo Strait and off Goto-retto (Yokoya, 1933), Hachijo-jima (Sakai, 1954), Sagami Bay (Sakai, 1937a, 1965), Sagami Bay, Kii Nagashima, Kii Minabe, and Tosa Bay (Sakai, 1976a), Tosa Bay (Baba, 1986); Korea - Cheju-do (Kim, 1973); East China Sea (Takeda & Miyake, 1970a, 1972); Australia - Bass Strait and Twofold Bay (Miers, 1886), Bass Strait and est of Eucla (Rathbun, 1923a), New South Wales (Sakai, 1937a), off Cape Moreton (Campbell, 1971), Montague Island, Disaster Bay, Crowdy Head, mouth of Manning River, Port Jackson, Botany Bay, Bateman's Bay and off Green Cape, N.S.W. (Griffin, 1972), Gabo Island and off Cape Everard, Victoria (Griffin, 1972), Wineglass Bay, Tasmania (Griffin, 1972), Eucla; New Zealand - off Little Barrier (Bennett, 1964); Samoa - Upolu (A. Milne Edwards, 1873); 50-150 m.