Ebalia sakaii

Takeda & Miyake, 1972

Description of holotype: The carapace is convex and apparently broader than long with lateral angular expansions; the surface is well divided into regions and thickly covered with flat but raised granules of almost equal size; the median part of the carapace is markedly convex, and ornamented by a longitudinal median eminence, a posterior median, obtuse protuberance and two lateral gastric prominences at both sides of the median eminence; the cardiac protuberance is prominent, but rounded; the hepatic projection is very prominent, triangular and separated by a deep, wide V-shaped notch from the antero-lateral border of the carapace; the antero-lateral and postero-lateral borders are continuous through the acute angle at the junction, and more or less crest-like with a thick granulated rim; the antero-lateral border bears one or two small, irregular interruptions in the middle; the posterior slope of the lateral angle is rapidly convergent, and the marginal rim is weakly raised at the end of the slope; the postero-lateral border ends at some distance from the lateral angle of the posterior border which is nearly straight. Each of the lateral angles of the front is produced into an obtuse process, and the median depression is very shallow and wide.
The chelipeds are slender and covered with flat but raised granules. The merus bears two distant tubercles on the upper border, and the carpus is provided with a more or less crested longitudinal eminence near the proximal end of the outer surface. The palm is somewhat swollen proximally on account of bearing a tubercular prominence on the inner surface; the upper border is rather distinctly demarcated and armed with two tubercles, one near the proximal end and the other at the distal end. The fingers are longer than the palm and rather strongly directed downwards; each of the fingers is provided with two longitudinal rows of granules which are small and become much smaller near the tips of the fingers; the cutting edges are minutely and sharply toothed along the whole lengths, but near the proximal ends the teeth are rather indistinct.
The ambulatory legs are slender, subcylindrical and thickly covered with granules; near and at the anterior borders the granules are rather conical. The dactyli are as long as the propodi, and covered with very minute, microscopical granules. The abdomen is composed of three pieces; the terminal segment is more or less oblong, but bears a subacute apex. (Takeda & Miyake, 1972a)

Type locality: off Tsushima, Japan, 34°3.3'N, 129°4.5'E, 125 m.
Range: Japan - off Tsushima (Takeda & Miyake, 1972a, Takeda, 1973c); 207 m.