Ethusina investigatoris

Alcock, 1896

Carapace longer than broad, somewhat convex. Surface smooth to the naked eye though finely granular under the lens. Anterior regions of the carapace fairly well defined. Branchial region relatively swollen and bulging out the lateral borders. Basal antennular article enormously enlarged and swollen, globular in shape, pushing the eyes permanently outwards. Eyes practically immobile. External orbital spine long and needle-like, but with its tips falling considerably short the tips of the rather long acute frontal spines. Male chelipeds symmetrical; hand somewhat enlarged. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Bay of Bengal, 2340 m and Laccadive Sea, 2160 m.
Range: Laccadive Sea (Alcock, 1896); India - Bay of Bengal (Alcock, 1896); East China Sea (Chen, 1986c); South China Sea - Nansha Islands (Chen & Xu, 1991); Indonesia - south of Celebes (Ihle, 1916), Tanimbar Islands (Chen, 1997); 1115-2394 m.