Ethusina gracilipes

Miers, 1886

Carapace longer than broad. Regions indistinct. Cervical and branchial grooves distinct. Surface finely granulated, with short pubescence. Lateral borders swollen. External orbital tooth long, nearly reaching to tips of frontal teeth. Frontal border divided into four subequal projecting teeth by three notches, the median one wider. Chelipeds subequal in both sexes, very thin and slender; palm shorter than fingers; outer surface of palm smooth; fingers very slender, scarcely denticulated on the cutting edges. P2-P3 greatly elongated and very slender. P4 and P5 nearly filiform. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Philippines, 12°21'N, 122°15'E, "Challenger" stn 207, 1280 m.
Range: Japan - Suruga Bay (Sakai, 1983); Philippines - Sibuyan Sea (Miers, 1886), near Lubang Island (Serène & Vadon, 1981); Indonesia - Arafura Sea and Banda Sea (Miers, 1886); 1280-2780 m.