Ethusina desciscens

Alcock, 1896

Relative small size. Carapace manifestly longer than broad. Surface only finely granular. External orbital spine reaching to bases of frontal teeth. Notches of median and lateral frontal teeth narrow; lateral teeth longer than median ones, with tip directed outwards. Eyestalks somewhat mobile. Male chelipeds symmetrical; hand somewhat enlarged. P2-P3 relatively long and slender; merus of P3 about 7.6 times longer than broad. Merus of P5 about 6 times longer than broad. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Andaman Sea and Laccadive Sea.
Range: Madagascar - north-west and west coast (Chen H., 1988); Laccadive Sea (Alcock, 1896); Andaman Sea (Alcock, 1896); East China Sea (Chen, 1986c); South China Sea; Philippines - west of Lubang Island and Verde Island Passage (Chen, 1986a); Indonesia - Sumbawa, Salayar and Roti (Ihle, 1916), Makassar Strait (Chen, 1993), Tanimbar Islands (Chen, 1997); 485-2350 m.