Lamoha longirostris

(Chen, 1986)

Carapace longitudinally subrectangular, regions clearly defined. Entire carapace and pereiopod surfaces with scattered stiff, simple setae which do not obscure margins or surface, those on lateral surfaces longer, those on dorsal surface very short. Rostrum well developed, simple, slightly bent downwards, dorso-median part furrowed; lateral margins gently converging to rounded tip. Pseudorostral spines absent. Supraorbital margin sinuous, without spine but with low subdentiform median lobe. Basal part of eyestalk dilated, outer surface finely granular. Antero-lateral margin with 1 short but distinct, slightly curved lateral spine. Postero-lateral margin weakly convex, finely granulated. Posterior margin of carapace weakly concave. Protogastric and epigastric regions with scattered low granules. Mesogastric and metagastric regions unarmed. Branchial regions covered with scattered coarse granules. Antennal spine strong, anteriorly directed. Subhepatic region with 1 large, anteriorly directed inner spine and 1 small, often small outer spine or granule; subventral surface with small, sharp spiniform or very low granule. Posterior part of pterygostomial region covered with small granules. Gastro-cervical groove deep, contiguous medially, meeting below distinct gastric pits. Branchio-cardiac groove deep. Linea homolica distinct, sinuous. Basal antennal article unarmed. Antennular peduncle subglobular, unarmed. Proepistome with low, subtruncate lamelliform tooth, otherwise unarmed. Merus of third maxilliped unarmed, almost smooth; ischium subrectangular; palp when appressed against ischium reaching to proximal margin to ischium; exopod slender, reaching to 1/3 length of outer gin of merus, with long flagellum.
P1 (chelipeds) subequal, elongate, relatively slender. Basi-ischium 3-facetted; inner surface distinctly granular, other surfaces almost smooth; inner ventral margin with 4 distinct spines and 1 small distal spinule; outer ventral margin with 2 spines; dorsal margin with 2 spines. Merus with all margins distinctly spiniform; inner surface granular; outer and ventral surfaces almost smooth. Surfaces of carpus spiniform, with 2 large spines on inner distal angle. Outer and inner surfaces of palm with numerous spines and spinules; inner surface with 1 distinct longitudinal row of strong spines. Fingers elongate, distal part gently curving inwards, antero-dorsal margin of dactylus flattened; cutting edge of dactylus with 1 distinct subproximal, obliquely directed tooth which sits anterior to distinct proximal tooth on cutting edge of pollex, rest of cutting edges of both fingers blade-like. Inner and outer surfaces of base of pollex of both chelae with large ovate pigmented spit each.
P2 and P3 longest. Coxa of P2-P5 unarmed. Dorso-distal margin of basi-ischium of P2-P5 with 2 small spines bracketing merus. Dorsal margin of M2-4 with 14 or 15 distinct spines, distal 0.14-0.17 of segment usually unarmed; proximal part of ventral margin with 2 rows of spines which converge into 1 uneven row of spines along distal part; anterior surface granular; posterior surface almost smooth. Distal edge of propodus with 2 stiff, movable setae bracketing proximal edge of dactylus. Ventral margin of dactylus with row of stiff but movable setae. P5 very slender; when merus articulated forwards, distal end reaching to base of antero-lateral spine; all segments unarmed; hooked dactylus and distal part of propodus forming distinct subchelate structure.
Male and female abdomens covering entire thoracic sternum; female abdomen slightly broader than male abdomen (Fig. 1e); surfaces of all segments and telson almost smooth; telson subtriangular, lateral margins sinuous, with distal part weakly concave, and proximal part convex.
Male first pleopod stout, relatively straight; distal part dilated into distinct flap. Male second pleopod stout, short, distally cupped. (Ng & Chen, 1999)

Type locality: East China Sea, 28°45'N, 127°30'E, 900 m.
Range: East China Sea (Chen H., 1986c, Ng & Chen, 1999); South China Sea (Chen H., 1986c, Ng & Chen, 1999); Wallis and Futuna Islands (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1995, Ng & Chen, 1999); 900-1300 m.