Homologenus donghaiensis

Chen, 1986

Description of holotype male: Carapace longitudinally subrectangular, regions well defined. Entire dorsal carapace surface with numerous small granules and scattered short, stiff setae which do not obscure surface. Rostrum well developed, 3-pronged; accessory spines long, directed obliquely upwards; median projection very long, reaching well beyond accessory spines, directed gently downwards. Pseudorostral spines very strong, directed laterally, reaching well beyond eyes. Supraorbital margin sinuous, granulated, inner part with very small slender spine. Basal part of eyestalk not distinctly dilated. Antero-lateral margin with well developed, obliquely directed long spine; surfaces of spine finely granular. Postero-lateral margin gently convex, finely granulated, some granules sharp. Posterior margin of carapace distinctly concave. Protogastric and epigastric regions with scattered low granules, those on epigastric region especially sharp. Mesogastric region with distinct, long sharp spine. Branchial regions covered with numerous small granules. Subhepatic region with 1 large, obliquely directed spine; ventral surface with oblique ridge armed with 4 or 5 small spines. Antennal spine long, directed obliquely, longer than subhepatic spine. Pterygostomial and subbranchial regions covered with small granules. Gastro-cervical groove shallow but discernible. Branchio-cardiac groove very broad, shallow, hardly discernible. Linea homolica sinuous. Basal antennal article unarmed; peduncle with opening for gland directed inwards. Antennular peduncle subglobular, with 3 spinules. Proepistome with low, subtruncate lamelliform tooth. Anterior edge of buccal cavity with 2 small spines. Outer surfaces of third maxilliped covered with granules; merus elongate, unarmed; ischium subrectangular, granules on outer margin larger; inner margin of palp with several spinules; exopod slender, reaching to mid-point of outer margin of merus, with long flagellum.
P1 (chelipeds) subequal, elongate, slender; surfaces covered with numerous short, hooked setae which do not obscure margins. Coxa with inner distal margin distinctly expanded, armed with 2 small spines. Basi-ischium with 3 spines on ventral surface; 1 spine on dorsal surface. Inner margin of merus with 5 or 6 sharp spines; outer margin with 5 spines; inner surface granular or with scattered spines. Outer surface of carpus with 2 distinct median spines and 1 long subdistal spine; inner surface with 3 evenly spaced spines; ventral surface with 1 distal spine. Outer and inner surfaces of palm with numerous granules; with 4 short spines on subventral surface; dorsal margin with 1 small distal spine and 1 longer submedian spine. Fingers elongate, cutting edges of both fingers blade-like.
Surfaces of P2-P5 covered with numerous short, hooked setae which do not obscure margins. P2 and P3 longest. Ventral surface of basi-ischium of P2 and P3 with 2 small spines. Dorsal margin of merus of P2-4 with 4 strong, posteriorly directed spines along proximal half, distal half mostly unarmed except for small subdistal spine and longer distal spine; proximalmost part of ventral margin with 2 spines with small subdistal spine. Basi-ischium with small spine. Carpus. P5 slender, when articulated forwards, distal edge of merus reaching to gastric spine; merus and carpus unarmed; propodus with a strong knob on proximoventral margin which is tipped with large, slightly movable seta; curved dactylus and propodus forming subchelate structure.
Abdomen covering entire thoracic sternum; surface of segment 1 weakly granular; segment 2 with large, sharp median granule; surfaces of segments 3-4 with large, sharp granule on side of each segment, rest of surface with scattered low granules; segment 5 with 2 groups of submedian granules; surfaces of segment 6 and telson almost smooth; telson subtriangular, lateral margins sinuous, distal part concave and proximal part convex.
Male first pleopod stout, distal part conical, gently curved. Male second pleopod stout, short, distally cupped. (Ng & Chen, 1999)

Type locality: East China Sea, 900 m.
Range: East China Sea (Chen H., 1986c, Ng & Chen, 1999); 900 m.