Homolomannia occlusa

Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981

Carapace subquadratic, with the flanks markedly depressed, except at the level of the subhepatic region which is prolonged by an acute spine. Body not ornamented with spines, tubercles or granules; only a very short tomentum. Dorsal surface flat, not areolated, smooth. Cervical groove complete, branchio-cardiac groove not visible. Linea homolica well distinct. Antero-lateral border rather short, unarmed and not clearly delimited from the smooth postero-lateral border. Rostrum short, deflexed and similar to the the pseudorostral teeth which are only triangular, not acute. Anterior margin of the buccal frame rounded. Third maxilliped enlarged, operculiform, and covering the most part of the mouthparts. Chelipeds shorter than the P2; outer face of palm smooth. P2-P4 long (specially P4) unarmed and smooth. P5 relatively broad and rather developed, with the merus curved; propodus very short, its proximal projection forming with the dactylus a strong subcheliform process. Male abdomen broad; female abdomen with the segments 5-6 widened and forming a brooding cavity. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Majunga, Madagascar, 15°21'S, 46°08'E, 180-200 m.
Range: Madagascar - Majunga (Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981b, 1995); Taiwan; 180-210 m.