Petalomera acutidens

Sakai, 1983

Carapace width about equal to length, surface slightly convex. Gastric region with a pair of tall granulated nodules on each side; 3M and 4M armed with a low nodule; branchial region with a low process, covered with granules. Antero-lateral borders connected ventrally with the corner of the buccal cavity and armed with 5-6 sharp teeth. Front strongly projected anteriorly. Chelipeds and ambulatory legs granulated; distal end of merus and carpus with two small nodules. Abdominal segment 4 with a pair of nodules. (Guinot 1998)

Type locality: Wagu, mouth of Ise Bay, Japan.
Range: Japan - Wagu, Ise Bay (Sakai, 1983a).