Genus Harrovia

Adams & White, 1849

Carapace quadrate, usually broader than long. Dorsal surface usually with very fine pubescence, relatively smooth or covered with scattered small granules; the regions not well defined. Antero- and postero-lateral margins clearly demarcated. Antero-lateral margins usually lamelliform, with four teeth, the first three sharp to truncate, the last well developed, sharp. Frontal margin short, not strongly deflexed downwards. Chelipeds granular to rugose; carpus usually without spine or distinct tubercle on inner angle; chela elongated; fingers not carinate. Ambulatory legs: dorsal margin of merus lined with granules or spinules, not cristate; dactylus of P2 elongated, very slender. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Harrovia albolineata Adams & White, 1849, by monotypy.

Species treated:
Harrovia albolineata Adams & White, 1849
Harrovia elegans de Man, 1887
Harrovia japonica Balss, 1921
Harrovia truncata Rathbun, 1906