Genus Tiaramedon

Chia & Ng, 1998

Regions of carapace well defined, protogastric, metagastric, branchial and cardiac regions strongly produced into dorsally directed spines, length of spines varies, protogastric spines always longest. Frontal lobes triangular, very narrow, small, strongly deflexed, beak-like from dorsal view, appearing fused at times with visible suture. Inner supraorbital teeth very well developed, produced well beyond frontal margin, almost 1.5 times longer than broad, obscuring most of frontal margin. Antero-lateral and postero-lateral margins clearly demarcated, antero-lateral margin sublamelliform, entire, without trace of teeth or lobes; lateral carapace tooth strong, sharp and long. Antennules folding obliquely, ca. 45° from horizontal. Length to width ratio of second antennal segment 1.3-2.0. Chelipedal merus and basi-ischium unarmed; carpus with sharp spine on inner distal angle and distinct tooth on outer distal angle; distal dorsal margin of palm with distinct elongate tooth. Meri of all ambulatory legs with strong tooth on subdistal dorsal margin; merus of first ambulatory leg more slender than that of others, unarmed, not cristate; dactylus of first ambulatory leg more elongate and slender, ca. 1.3 times that on other legs. (Chia & Ng, 1998)

Type species: Ceratocarcinus spinosus Miers, 1879, by original designation.

Species treated:
Tiaramedon spinosum (Miers, 1879)