Genus Forestia

Guinot, 1976

Carapace transversely oval. Dorsal surface of the carapace, chelipeds and ambulatory legs entirely covered with fine, short, yellow setae. Dorsal surface of the carapace gently convex anteriorly, where the regions are well defined and hardly projecting; the posterior third hardly flattened and with the the regions less distinct. Ornamentation of the dorsal surface consisting of small granules, reduced in size on the posterior third. Antero-lateral margin short, with four feeble teeth or lobes. Postero-lateral margin a little concave. Basal antennal article relatively short, prolonged in the orbital hiatus. Buccal cavern small. Third maxillipeds with ischium elongate and merus more or less broadened. Chelipeds equal in males, with the propodus stout and with developed fingers. Ambulatory legs not compressed and with granules smaller than those on the carapace. Thoracic sternum wide, without the sternal suture 3/4 marked by a median granular line; the sternite 4 with a longitudinal furrow visible in front of the telson; median groove present on sternites 6, 7 and 8. (Guinot 1998)

Type species: Xantho depressus White, 1847.

Species treated:
Forestia depressa (White, 1847)
Forestia scabra (Odhner, 1925)