Superfamilia Dorippoidea

MacLeay, 1838

Thoracic sternum more or less wide, with all sutures, 4/5-7/8, interrupted; sternite 8 visible in a dorsal position or partly under the carapace. Presence of a true sternoabdominal cavity. First abdominal segments in the prolongation of carapace and exposed dorsally. Male sexual orifices coxal or coxo-sternal. Female sexual orifices sternal. P2 and P3 usually remarkably long and stout. P4 + P5 differing from the preceeding legs, reduced, dorsal and with a terminal subcheliform apparatus. (Guinot 1998)

Families treated:
family Dorippidae MacLeay, 1838
family Orithyiidae Dana, 1852