Genus Homolomannia

Ihle, 1912

Carapace flattened, dorsal surface covered with a velvety tomentum, no spines or tubercles; frontal spine subequal to or shorter than pseudorostral spines; frontal and anterior subhepatic spines are on a lower plane than the pseudorostral ones. Chelipeds slender, much shorter than following ambulatory legs. Second to fourth pereiopods relatively long and slender. Propodus of fifth pereiopod short, its proximal portion with a strong spine, dactylus recurved towards propodus. (Türkay 1995)

Type species: Homolomannia sibogae Ihle, 1912, by monotypy.
Gender feminine.

Species treated:
Homolomannia occlusa Guinot & Richer de Forges, 1981
Homolomannia sibogae Ihle, 1912