Superfamilia Cyclodorippoidea

Ortmann, 1892

Very small crabs. Presence of a wide sternal plastron and of a true but short sterno-abdominal cavity, more or less defined and deep. First abdominal segments visible dorsally. P4 and P5 reduced and dorsal, generally with a special terminal apparatus. In both sexes uropods absent. Male and female abdomen with a variable number of segments. Male Pl 1 forming a tube not rolled or only semi-rolled. Male and female openings coxal. Spermathecal apertures generally at the level of the genital openings, sometimes located more anteriorly. (Guinot 1998)

Families treated:
family Cyclodorippidae Ortmann, 1892
family Cymonomidae Bouvier, 1897
family Phyllotymolinidae Tavares, 1998