Infraorder Podotremata

Guinot, 1977

Male and female gonopores in coxal position, thus external fertilization. Presence of spermathecae, which are differentiations of the endosternites 7/8 not connected with the genital ducts and always paired. In primitive Podotremata uropods present as vestigial platelets (either dorsal or ventral) but never combining with the telson to form a tailfan. Male Pl 1 forming a tube either not rolled or only semi-rolled, or nearly complete. Male Pl 2 longer or as long as Pl 1. (Guinot 1998)

Superfamilies treated:
superfamily Cyclodorippoidea Ortmann, 1892
superfamily Dromioidea de Haan, 1833
superfamily Homoloidea de Haan, 1839
superfamily Raninoidea de Haan, 1839