Neosarmatium rotundifrons

(A. Milne Edwards, 1869)

Side of carapace with one or two antero-lateral teeth (second usually reduced to an angular projection). Dactyl of male cheliped with 4 teeth on dorsal margin. Carapace with lateral margins markedly convex antero-laterally, maximum carapace width behind tips of first antero-lateral teeth; frontal margin with a strong median concavity; median postfrontal lobes wider than laterals, and strongly swollen; large species. (Davie 1996)

Type locality: Upolu, Samoa.
Range: western Sumatra - Nias (Tesch, 1917, Davie, 1994); Taiwan - Ping-tung County (Ng et al., 1997); Indonesia - Java and Obi Island, Moluccas (Tesch, 1917); Samoa - Upolu (A. Milne Edwards, 1869, Davie, 1994).