Pinnotheres tsingtaoensis

Shen, 1932

Diagnosis: Dactylus of third maxilliped very large, attached nearly to base of penultimate segment and extended beyond extremity of the preceeding segment. Ambulatory legs hairy, second pair longest. Sixth segment of male abdomen with its lateral margins straight.

Description of female: Carapace suborbicular, broader than long. Front truncate when viewed dorsally. Dactylus of third maxilliped broadened distally and extended much beyond extremity of penultimate segment which is triangular at its extremity.
Cheliped scarcely pubescent. Carpus hairy on basal portion of its inner margin. Palm with a series of hairs on ventral portion of its inner surface, hairs extended to tip of immovable finger. Movable finger bearing a big tooth near its base. Immovable finger with some small ones at its basal portion.
Ambulatory legs hairy. Second pair longest. Merus bearing longer hairs on its anterior margin than on posterior. Carpi of second and third legs each with a curved series of hairs on dorsal surface near its postero-distal margin. Propodi of second and third leg each with its anterior margin ridged and long hairy, of first and fourth legs scarcely so hairy. Dactyli sharply pointed, with tips incurved. Abdomen large. Distal margins of its seventh segment slightly convex.

Description of male: Size small. Carapace harder and more convex. Front with a median groove. Sixth segment of abdomen broader than long, its basal margin broader than distal, lateral straight and folded internally. Seventh broader than long, its distal margin triangular at its middle portion. First male abdominal appendage tapering distally, its lateral margin bearing longer and more setae than on medial. (Shen, 1932: 149)

Type locality: Qingdao, Shandong Peninsula, China.
Range: China - Liaodong Peninsula and Shandong Peninsula (Shen, 1932), Jiaozhou Bay (Shen, 1937); Taiwan.