Pinnotheres serrignathus

Shen, 1932

Diagnosis: Merus-ischium of third maxilliped with its inner margin denticulous. Dactylus small, attached at middle of penultimate segment and extended nearly to its extremity. Fingers of cheliped each finely and sharply denticulated on thier distal portions.

Description of male: Size small. Carapace transverse, slightly broader anteriorly than posteriorly. Surface convex and smooth. Front strongly deflexed, invisible from its dorsal aspect.
Merus-ischium of third maxilliped with its inner margin denticulated and setose. Propodus broadened basally. Dactylus small, attached to middle of penultimate segment and extended nearly to its extremity. Exognath elongate oval, its flagellum two-segmented.
Chelipeds stout. Merus cylindrical. Carpus longer than broad. Palm as stout as that of Pinnotheres affinis, its ventral margin bearing a series of short bristles which are extended to tip of immovable finger. Movable finger bearing a large tooth near its base and one or two smaller ones behind it and a series of small pointed teeth on its distal portion, its tip strongly curved. Immovable finger bearing a blunt tooth at its base and a series of very low teeth at its basal portion and another series of small pointed teeth opposite to those on movable finger, its tip nearly straight.
Ambulatory legs smooth. Second pair longest. Third longer than first. Fourth shortest. Dactyli more or less resembling those of the two foregoing species.
Abdomen, in this abnormal case, roundish, female-like. Male appendage scarcely setose, its distal portion slightly and laterally curved, its tip bluntly rounded. (Shen, 1932: 142)

Type locality: Yantai, Shandong Peninsula, China.
Range: China - Yantai, Shandong Peninsula (Shen, 1932).