Pinnotheres dilatatus

Shen, 1932

Diagnosis: Carapace transverse, suboblong. Front invisible dorsally. Posterior margin of carapace concave. Palm of cheliped elongate. Movable finger bearing a tooth at its basal third. Distal margin of seventh segment of female abdomen nearly truncate and slightly concave at middle.

Description of female: Carapace transverse, much broader than long. Surface smooth and glossy. Antero-lateral margin of carapace strongly arcuated. Lateral margins subparallel. Anterior and posterior margins more or less concave.
Front strongly deflexed, invisible from its dorsal aspect. Its anterior margin tridentate, of which the lateral ones are more prominent than medial, they all pointed ventrally when viewed cephalically.
Merus-ischium of third maxilliped with its inner angle rounded. Palpus closely resembling that of Pinnotheres affinis. Exognath with its distal half narrower than basal, its flagellum two-segmented, distal segment nearly with its lateral margins parallel.
Chelipeds glossy. Merus hairy on its inner margin. Carpus elongated and hairy on basal portion of its inner margin. Palm very slender, ventral portion of its inner surface hairy, hairs extended to immovable finger. Movable finger bearing a tooth at its basal third, its inner margin scarcely hairy.
Ambulatory legs glossy, cylindrical rather than flattened. Second leg longest. Fourth shortest. Third slightly longer than first. Coxa, basi-ischium pubescent. Merus of second leg as well as third hairy on basal portion of its dorsal margin. Propodus of second leg very long, about twice as long a that of fourth, of third slightly longer than that of fourth. Dactyli all hook-like and in the same relative length of the legs. (Shen, 1932: 140)

Type locality: Hwangtao, Jiaozhou Wan, Sahndong Peninsula, China.
Range: China - Jiaozhou Wan, Shandong Peninsula (Shen, 1932, 1937).